
Last day at a shitty job

So I’m a cook, and 2 months ago I was hired via recommendation from a coworker at a restaurant he (assistant) managed at the time. At that time I had 2 jobs, one a cook at a grocery store and another, a cook at a bar (which I still work at, and is by far the best place I have ever worked all around.) I quit my grocery store job to come there. It was okay at first, but the bullshit of it piled on quickly, especially after the coworker who got me hired ended up quitting, (both jobs actually) to go manage some other place. The job is filled with lazy fucks, favoritism, addicts, and mismanagement. Not a good environment, I could go in more detail but I won’t. Some of its okay, some decent people but it’s not for me. Not at all. It’s now my last day,…

So I’m a cook, and 2 months ago I was hired via recommendation from a coworker at a restaurant he (assistant) managed at the time. At that time I had 2 jobs, one a cook at a grocery store and another, a cook at a bar (which I still work at, and is by far the best place I have ever worked all around.) I quit my grocery store job to come there. It was okay at first, but the bullshit of it piled on quickly, especially after the coworker who got me hired ended up quitting, (both jobs actually) to go manage some other place.

The job is filled with lazy fucks, favoritism, addicts, and mismanagement. Not a good environment, I could go in more detail but I won’t. Some of its okay, some decent people but it’s not for me. Not at all.

It’s now my last day, and I put in my 2 weeks notice like normal though I did call off in a shitty day one of the days. Tonight, my shift is scheduled to be a closing one, working alongside a violent addict coworker, someone I’ve never closed with before and who’s notoriously lazy and messy.

As well, the owner, who insists on keeping the kitchen open until as late as possible whenever she manages at night, is working this evening; and I just don’t have it in me, I don’t think, to do this last shitty shift there. I want to call off so bad, but I also feel guilty because I wasn’t the best employee, once I realized how the environment truly is there I stopped putting in my good effort and just started looking for a way out.

That all said, I did get this job via recommendation, and even though the guy doesn’t work at either place anymore I’m sure word could still get back to him if they were mad enough, which would make me feel like shit. As well, a bartender at the restaurant I’m quitting knows the owner and a few others at the job I love. If they’re upset enough at me calling off the last day, there’s a possibility negative word could get back to them as well. I really don’t want them to have a negative opinion of me at the job I love, I put 110% effort in there, never call off etc.

Thanks for reading my post if you did, shift starts in 4 hours and I’m still truly not sure if I’m going to call off or not. Wish me luck

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