
Did you lie on your resume as a last resort for better pay and a better company?

I recently had my annual review at the company I’ve been working for the last 2 years and everyone received a 1.5-2 percent raise. When I received my paycheck with the new wage, the difference was just $70 more than my previous paychecks and that’s just going straight to gas for commute for a role that can be done remotely. Due to inflation and living in California, things have been difficult and although I have the title of a manager, it doesn’t feel as if I’m being compensated as one. So, I’m asking the people of anti work if they got fed up, lied on a resume to get a better job? If so, what happened once you got that better job?

I recently had my annual review at the company I’ve been working for the last 2 years and everyone received a 1.5-2 percent raise. When I received my paycheck with the new wage, the difference was just $70 more than my previous paychecks and that’s just going straight to gas for commute for a role that can be done remotely. Due to inflation and living in California, things have been difficult and although I have the title of a manager, it doesn’t feel as if I’m being compensated as one. So, I’m asking the people of anti work if they got fed up, lied on a resume to get a better job? If so, what happened once you got that better job?

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