
New chief operating officer got an ear full today.

Today at work there was a meeting to formally meet the new C.o.o . He asked why they can't hire more people and someone told the truth . It was said that the wages suck . Everybody wants more money per hour. And alot of employees are mislabeled putting them in a lower pay scale. I think the new chief got an ear full and it's looking like a pay raise may be in the works company-wide.

Today at work there was a meeting to formally meet the new C.o.o . He asked why they can't hire more people and someone told the truth . It was said that the wages suck . Everybody wants more money per hour. And alot of employees are mislabeled putting them in a lower pay scale. I think the new chief got an ear full and it's looking like a pay raise may be in the works company-wide.

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