
what does ‘being written up’ actually involve?

I live in the UK and had a range of jobs in different industries but its not a term over ever had used, is this the same as getting a written warning (normally I've seen a verbal, then a written then getting kicked out the door for minor misconduct and straight out the door if gross misconduct)? I normally just ignored any verbal or written petty stuff as it normally gets ignored unless someone really has it in for you as they normally have needed me more than the hassle of replacing me.

I live in the UK and had a range of jobs in different industries but its not a term over ever had used, is this the same as getting a written warning (normally I've seen a verbal, then a written then getting kicked out the door for minor misconduct and straight out the door if gross misconduct)? I normally just ignored any verbal or written petty stuff as it normally gets ignored unless someone really has it in for you as they normally have needed me more than the hassle of replacing me.

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