
I have a lot of anxiety revolving being let go twice without any warning or talking to, and I’d like to overcome that

This may not be the most appropriate for anti work so I apologize in advance for that. Within the last two years, out of the 13 years I’ve been working, I was let go twice. These are the only instances I’ve ever been let go, and both were at jobs I loved and completely without warning. No write ups, talking to, verbal warning, literally nothing. I have a lot of remaining anxiety about this that has carried over into my new job, and I don’t want to worry about being let go over the smallest mistake anymore. Any advice? Unfortunately I can’t afford a therapist at the moment. I have generalized anxiety disorder so I’m sure that only exacerbates my worries but I don’t want to feel this way anymore. Any help is appreciated

This may not be the most appropriate for anti work so I apologize in advance for that. Within the last two years, out of the 13 years I’ve been working, I was let go twice. These are the only instances I’ve ever been let go, and both were at jobs I loved and completely without warning. No write ups, talking to, verbal warning, literally nothing. I have a lot of remaining anxiety about this that has carried over into my new job, and I don’t want to worry about being let go over the smallest mistake anymore. Any advice? Unfortunately I can’t afford a therapist at the moment. I have generalized anxiety disorder so I’m sure that only exacerbates my worries but I don’t want to feel this way anymore. Any help is appreciated

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