
Throw away to CYA on this name and shame

Gather around children, I'm gonna tell you a story. A story of magic and wonderment… This is what happened when I called out my boss for serving cross contaminated with raw chicken food to a large party of elderly people, I tried to stop him, I tried to throw away the cross contaminated meat before it could be served…. but ultimately he did serve it to them… before we begin I want it to be known that I am in no way innocent in this. I did not act in the most professional manner when this happened. To say I was upset would be an understatement. I'm a 27+ year long restaurant professional. Food safety is tenement to a chef's career the corner that has zero room for wiggle or corner cutting unless you're a dirty scumbag. Food safety is driven into our being from the word go. Serving food…

Gather around children, I'm gonna tell you a story. A story of magic and wonderment…

This is what happened when I called out my boss for serving cross contaminated with raw chicken food to a large party of elderly people, I tried to stop him, I tried to throw away the cross contaminated meat before it could be served…. but ultimately he did serve it to them…

before we begin I want it to be known that I am in no way innocent in this. I did not act in the most professional manner when this happened. To say I was upset would be an understatement. I'm a 27+ year long restaurant professional. Food safety is tenement to a chef's career the corner that has zero room for wiggle or corner cutting unless you're a dirty scumbag. Food safety is driven into our being from the word go. Serving food that does not hurt people is EVERYTHING. So my anxious and emotional self, acted emotionally. It's very upsetting to me when the food I was involved with cooking was served while contaminated with raw chicken. So I raised my voice, I said things I should not have.

As we all know, no good deed goes unpunished. His reaction when I tried to be a professional and serve safe as well as legally prepared food.
He choose instead that he would rather continue his lazy unprofessional and illegal “methods” of deciding chicken is cooked via touching it with his unwashed hands.

This I swear on my childs life: I worked with him for more than two months and never once witnessed him washing his hands in the kitchen or anywhere. Not ever did I see him wash his hands, not even once. I just pray he did it in the bathroom. Most professional chefs wash their hands literally dozens of times a day. When I use the restroom I wash my hands in the restroom and again in the kitchen.

He decided to instead to only tell his boss I was upset not in any way why I was upset. He told HR and our director only that I acted unprofessionally. And despite the fact that I told them everything in detail they went with his side of things based on his history and position.

Why did he do this you ask? Because he's a lazy piece of shit and a coward. He would rather continue not labeling food items in his kitchen, not probing meats for temperature (as is required by law). He would rather continue doing it his way because his way doesn't have people insisting it's done correctly and safely.

He even had the opportunity to tell me I was fired like an adult humanbeing, but instead… he acted like everything was normal and fine had a very nice HR lady do his hard work for him…because it was too uncomfortable for the sad little tyke.
(Boo, fucking whoo) he even went out of his way to share with me next weeks schedule (with me on it) knowing full well that I was going to be fired the next morning.

So this is for you “chef” Eric Ybarra at the California center for the arts Escondido California

I hope the health inspector fines you for every single thing I reported your trash kitchen ran buy a lazy moron for… and shuts you down for good. ending your sad little career.

You're no chef, chefs actually prepair food and do so safely. You just open boxes of processed food items in order to warm them 90% of the time and on the off chance that you do actually cook you do it unsafely.
You're a fucking shoemaker, not a chef. Choke on it you sad little child.


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