
Was this uncalled for?

So for context I’m 18 f, I had two jobs before my current new job. Both of my old jobs were restaurant related, my new job is a small business bakery. I applied, had my interview, I had a “trial” day where I was pretty much just shown around the spot and things like that. Everything was fine …. Until my official first day. So I’m someone who is very quiet and just does whatever task I’m handed, which allowed past employers to overwork and take advantage of me. On my first day at this job I was taking orders and making items, not to mention I didn’t really have a lot of training prior for this position. So I made some mistakes which caused my manager to flip out on me!! She cussed at me and belittled me in front of customers and coworkers, I was completely just in…

So for context I’m 18 f, I had two jobs before my current new job. Both of my old jobs were restaurant related, my new job is a small business bakery. I applied, had my interview, I had a “trial” day where I was pretty much just shown around the spot and things like that. Everything was fine …. Until my official first day. So I’m someone who is very quiet and just does whatever task I’m handed, which allowed past employers to overwork and take advantage of me. On my first day at this job I was taking orders and making items, not to mention I didn’t really have a lot of training prior for this position. So I made some mistakes which caused my manager to flip out on me!! She cussed at me and belittled me in front of customers and coworkers, I was completely just in shock over the whole situation. I didn’t even know how to react so after that incident the rest of my shift I pretty much just did small side tasks to avoid everyone because I was so embarrassed. I understand that I messed up but I feel like she was very unprofessional and should’ve offered some useful criticism instead of just yelling at me. IT WAS MY FIRST DAMN DAY! I get it’s stressful to run your own business and to want things done a certain way but you should not treat your employees like that. I’ve made mistakes at past jobs and never had a situation quite like this. Anyways, I’m not sticking around for this job now that I saw the managers true colors. What do you guys think?

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