
Work pulled the rug on me today

Today I walked in to my bosses boss' office. I got told they had a meeting about me, and that I'm doing a great job. I work hard, prove to be something the company can put money into in the future. I was pretty happy about that. I try to show that I am an asset that can only benefit places I work, and in return I get better benefits. Both of my bosses are new to being leadership around these parts. Anyways. I was told after the meeting they didn't really know my role, and that I need to code myself differently (codes say what you are doing at what times on their screen). I had let them know that the previous head boss said to code myself the same way all day, every day. The code they want me on for about half my day will lower my…

Today I walked in to my bosses boss' office. I got told they had a meeting about me, and that I'm doing a great job. I work hard, prove to be something the company can put money into in the future. I was pretty happy about that. I try to show that I am an asset that can only benefit places I work, and in return I get better benefits. Both of my bosses are new to being leadership around these parts.

Anyways. I was told after the meeting they didn't really know my role, and that I need to code myself differently (codes say what you are doing at what times on their screen). I had let them know that the previous head boss said to code myself the same way all day, every day. The code they want me on for about half my day will lower my pay by 5 dollars an hour. That's 20% of my wages. So in total, I would be getting paid on average 10% less than my wage that I have been making with my previous boss. The agreement with my previous boss was only verbal though.

I am at the point of going and searching for a new job.

Any advice?

Tl:dr boss is taking pay after doing good work for the company.

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