I was a salaried leader at an NGO for 9 years. My “supervisor” was the Board, all volunteers, until one year a particular volunteer decided it was her sub-committee’s job to supervise me.
So I came back to work after maternity leave into the pandemic. My baby was in daycare full time, except every time he got any sort of sickness, even just a runny nose, he had to stay home in quarantine due to my country’s COVID protocols. And he got sick a lot.
No problem! I’ve been there for 9 years, working my ass off! Through blood, sweat and tears I’ve built a high level of trust and respect with my leadership in the community. And I’ve banked a few months worth of paid sick days.
Then my self-appointed, volunteer “boss” tells me I’m not allowed to use my own banked sick days to look after my sick baby. In a global pandemic.
FU Karen. I work elsewhere now.