
I now need to document all my work

I work for a major telecom dealing with medium to large businesses. When I was hired a year ago it was to answer calls, do very basic troubleshooting, make a trouble ticket, then give it to a Tier 2 tech. Now I'm one of those Tier 2 techs but I still need to take calls when I'm not actively working on a problem. I’ve been doing this for less than 2 months, with no additional training. It’s been a major shift in duties and of course there’s a big learning curve. Some of these issues can be complicated and need time to troubleshoot. Add in the fact that I'm new to this role and of course I'll be a little slow to resolve the problem. Did I mention there was NO additional training for this? Other managers are understanding about me taking a little while to catch up to the…

I work for a major telecom dealing with medium to large businesses. When I was hired a year ago it was to answer calls, do very basic troubleshooting, make a trouble ticket, then give it to a Tier 2 tech. Now I'm one of those Tier 2 techs but I still need to take calls when I'm not actively working on a problem.

I’ve been doing this for less than 2 months, with no additional training. It’s been a major shift in duties and of course there’s a big learning curve. Some of these issues can be complicated and need time to troubleshoot. Add in the fact that I'm new to this role and of course I'll be a little slow to resolve the problem. Did I mention there was NO additional training for this? Other managers are understanding about me taking a little while to catch up to the other Tier 2 techs, but not my direct manager. Never had a big problem with him until I went to T2, then for the 1st month he wanted to do 1 on 1s every week and complain about my stats.

The first 1 on 1 happened 4 days after I started this new position and he made a big stink about how I wasn't taking enough calls. Same thing every week after that, even tho I was improving.

All his recommendations on improving make zero sense and don't really work, (like troubleshooting an issue while still taking calls) or just plain go against our policies, (we need to call the client to verify if our fixes resolved the issues, he wants me to email them instead, which is against our policy). When I bring this up to other managers they say that 1. he’s wrong, and 2. He came over from another dept and has never worked answering phones like our dept does, so he basically has no clue how to manage people in our dept. But I still have to deal with his bs micromanaging.

The dept head even got involved to hear me out last week because I brought up my concerns about my manager to another manager who has been in our dept much longer than my direct. T

Today my manager told me that the higher ups are starting to watch our productivity more closely so we as a team need to be at our best, and since I’m still not taking enough calls (despite improvement) i need to start documenting all the tickets i work on, what I'm doing on them, and how long it takes. This basically insinuates that I'm not working and instead goofing off. I feel like this is his way of trying to ‘catch’ me goofing off to try to get me fired, without him actually having to do anything. And no, he doesn’t really do a lot as a manager. Most of the time he’s watching/reading the news on his pc.

Not sure what kind of advice I'm looking for here. I'm mostly venting. I will not be documenting anything of what I do for him, as we as a team already have a group chat that we use to let our dept managers know if we are troubleshooting a problem, calling people, needing assistance, etc, so it’s not necessary to separately document anything.

I already reached out to another manager to ask how I can go about getting a new manager because this guy clearly doesn’t want me in my position and believes I'm a slacker. I have no idea why he thinks that. Speaking to others in my dept and all I ever get is praise about how well I'm doing and that I'm improving pretty well.

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