
My manager must’ve failed math class

I did my 30 day review July 20th, now it’s past my 90 day review which he told me I would have during my 30 day review. This man really told me yesterday when I asked when we would do it he said oh that sounds wrong we will do it in November. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m looking else where to work asap fuck that no wonder why they can’t find workers

I did my 30 day review July 20th, now it’s past my 90 day review which he told me I would have during my 30 day review. This man really told me yesterday when I asked when we would do it he said oh that sounds wrong we will do it in November. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m looking else where to work asap fuck that no wonder why they can’t find workers

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