
Both neoconservative parties are owned & operated by a regime of wall st parasites & corporate predators. Nothing liberal or pro worker is going to get through established neoconservative political power structure that is protected by a militarized authoritarian police state. Hard to swallow truths.

Neoconservatism isn't a system of adhering to facts but asserting/rearranging prejudices & biases, largely religious based racism, bigotry & misogyny, also anti intellectual ideology promoted by a mainstream corporate media empire which is an echo chamber for lies & conspiracies. People are making millions by promoting fascist neoconservative anti-worker lies & divisive right-wing conspiracy theories, indoctrinating & brainwashing society. People telling the truth are being silenced & even demonized by those who own & operate mainstream corporate media. Both parties are operating neoconservative fascism for wall st parasites & corporate predators but the republican party is radicalizing right-wing nazis to attempt to put down a left-wing worker revolt they now see coming with the rise of unions & workers now demanding higher wages & worker rights & protections. I'm not against unions, I've been a member of USW (United Steel Workers) & so I know they can be effective but…

Neoconservatism isn't a system of adhering to facts but asserting/rearranging prejudices & biases, largely religious based racism, bigotry & misogyny, also anti intellectual ideology promoted by a mainstream corporate media empire which is an echo chamber for lies & conspiracies.

People are making millions by promoting fascist neoconservative anti-worker lies & divisive right-wing conspiracy theories, indoctrinating & brainwashing society. People telling the truth are being silenced & even demonized by those who own & operate mainstream corporate media.

Both parties are operating neoconservative fascism for wall st parasites & corporate predators but the republican party is radicalizing right-wing nazis to attempt to put down a left-wing worker revolt they now see coming with the rise of unions & workers now demanding higher wages & worker rights & protections.

I'm not against unions, I've been a member of USW (United Steel Workers) & so I know they can be effective but they can also be compromised by corporate regimes by bribing or installing their own union leadership, the only real solution is to take control of government to protect the value of labor by raising wages, highly regulating corporations & instituting socialist programs.

When the law & authorities themselves perpetuate injustice, a line is eventually crossed where the people obtain the right & even the duty to seek relief via alternative methods such as revolt & revolution. That line has been egregiously crossed & direct action is imminent.

The dumbing down of USA has been achieved thru a neoconservative media empire echoing huge lies & conspiracy theories. 7 second sound bytes programming incredulous pseudoscience & superstition & now there is a celebration of religious ignorance & fascist anti-worker falsehoods.

White nationalists are illegally dictating the bible thru the judiciary & political system. Critical thinking has declined, given way to superstition & delusional right-wingers are unable to distinguish between what is truth & what are lies, we have slid backwards into darkness.

USA is now a service & information economy, almost all the manufacturing jobs have been outsourced to other countries. Technology is controlled by the very few, politicians don't even acknowledge the issues, workers can't set their own agendas or even question those in authority.

Neoconservative capitalist fascism is the root cause of people struggling, suffering, hungry, homeless, poor, w/o medicine, hurting & living paycheck to paycheck. Republicans have been incrementally dictating fascism for decades while democrats have done nothing to stop it & are enabling it.

Why in the hell aren't we getting rid of wall st parasites??? It exists solely to redistribute wealth from people who work to people who don't. Shareholders have nothing to do with the day to day, nor the long term operations of businesses & workers they are stealing profit from.

It's odd that the faux left democratic party encourages their followers to be anti gun while the right-wing pro corporate & pro christian republican party encourages their followers to arm themselves to the teeth. Fascists want t be ready to have the right-wing put down a worker revolt.

Corporate fascists who own the 2 parties are intentionally disarming the working class, which is supposed to be the dems, they aren't pro worker, while pro corporate & christian rep party is encouraged to arm themselves & this is so that the fascists can put down a worker revolt.

Wall St has to be eliminated & all of those corps turned into co-ops, all the wealth stolen by corporate must be seized & put into the treasury of USA to pay for all the decades of tax evasion, this will create trillions in surplus to fund socialist programs to benefit all Americans.

Both parties are neoconservative & under the control of wall st parasites & corporate predators, wages have to be raised to protect the value of labor, rent & the cost of living has to be regulated, socialist programs must be instituted, funded & enforced. Law enforcement at every level has to be abolished in order for this to happen.

Poverty is the catalyst of crime, it eventually results in revolution & we must seize power when it becomes available. We must be leaders who share one another's condition & lift up all, not rulers who use others to lift themselves up above those who are really doing the lifting.

USA is now a full on combination of Mussolini's conservative fascism & Hitler's right-wing nazism. There are enough potential antifascists to defeat nazis & fascists but they are posting memes on the internet instead of doing anything historically proven to be effective. Meanwhile people are suffering under the tyrannies.

Nothing will change until wall street parasites, corporate predators & their neoconservative cronies in government are completely eliminated at every level, municipal, state, national, & both state & federal law enforcement who are dictating fascism through violence with weapons.

I am a person who adheres to science & statistics & is able to quantify, assimilate & analyze information to come up with solutions to problems. We must look at history to learn from mistakes & correct them in the current state of civilization which has descended into barbarism.

I don't care about your downvotes or idiotic criticisms, all of the preceding is true whether or not you are offended or clueless about the state of USA & the planet.

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