
Trapped in Beaverland

Hello friends. My first post here. Not sure this is even the right sub. I am in need of some advice. A “friend” has worked for a company for about four years here in the land of the maple syrup, basically enlsaved, not getting paid a third of what they own him. For immigration reasons he decided to stay enduring the pain. Now he is free of the immigration binds and is thirsty for some vendetta. He is alredy over the fact that he cant legally sue the company and get the 30K they own him,because he was also wrong in accepting to work in such conditions that would go against the beaver laws. However, would any of you know a way to report such a company, that keeps hiring and tricking people from other countries to come and work for them from free here in the beautiful land of…

Hello friends. My first post here. Not sure this is even the right sub.

I am in need of some advice. A “friend” has worked for a company for about four years here in the land of the maple syrup, basically enlsaved, not getting paid a third of what they own him. For immigration reasons he decided to stay enduring the pain.

Now he is free of the immigration binds and is thirsty for some vendetta. He is alredy over the fact that he cant legally sue the company and get the 30K they own him,because he was also wrong in accepting to work in such conditions that would go against the beaver laws.

However, would any of you know a way to report such a company, that keeps hiring and tricking people from other countries to come and work for them from free here in the beautiful land of Canada?

As far as I know the company keeps around 20 workers in the same condition as my friend was, no pay, no vacation, once in every three months they give them a thousand bucks and to top it of they work around 50 hours every week.

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