
HR At New Company A Huge HR Problem

Throwaway incase of any recognition. I started a new job a few weeks ago, and everything was fine until this week. Sure, it's been stressful and busy, but I was managing fine. And then Tuesday I was pulled into our head of HR's office, door closed, and was proceeded to be told to “mind what I say”, that we need to put on an inclusive front, and then coached about what I would be talking about in my 1:1 with the new VERY top of HR at our sister company. Then yesterday I found out they had gotten wind of someone being harassed by another employee. That employee being harassed (C) did not make the report and saw it as “stupid and not a big deal”. HR bothered C for multiple days to let them go through her personal text messages to build a case. C eventually let them just…

Throwaway incase of any recognition.

I started a new job a few weeks ago, and everything was fine until this week. Sure, it's been stressful and busy, but I was managing fine.

And then Tuesday I was pulled into our head of HR's office, door closed, and was proceeded to be told to “mind what I say”, that we need to put on an inclusive front, and then coached about what I would be talking about in my 1:1 with the new VERY top of HR at our sister company.

Then yesterday I found out they had gotten wind of someone being harassed by another employee. That employee being harassed (C) did not make the report and saw it as “stupid and not a big deal”. HR bothered C for multiple days to let them go through her personal text messages to build a case. C eventually let them just to make them stop bothering her. C still saw it as stupid and said she kind of got yelled at, but not really. The situation is very confusing.

And today.. I found out from another coworker that in her time of a few months here, she was promoted to another position and supposed to be salaried as part of it. They ended up saying she couldn't be salaried due to the coding of her job, whatever. Then they had scheduled a mandatory lunch meeting, and she had texted her supervisor at the time asking if she should time card it since it would put her at almost 10 hours of working since it was a working lunch. He took his time replying and eventually said no, don't time card. She didn't want to ruffle anymore feathers and let it go. Monday morning she was pulled into head of HRs office and was approached with, “So I heard you had a question about your timecard?” And what ensued was described as an intense one sided conversation, before settling on taking an extra 15 minutes on lunches for the next 2 weeks. A week later she was pulled in to discuss why she was coming back from lunch late. She has also been pulled in and talked to for being too edgy.

Is there a way to report any of this or just keep looking for a different opportunity?

Tl;Dr: HR is pulling some illegal shit, the company hired 2 people to be pit bulls in HR and its expected to be yelled at about once a month over nothing. Tf do I do lol

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