
I finally quit my toxic job! Boss freaked out when I put in my two weeks.

Finally I’m legitimately happy once again! After working with this toxic company for the past year and a half I can finally say I’m leaving for a much better job! My old job I’ve been heavily overworked, underpaid, and simply blatantly taken advantage of (see my old posts). I found a new job and accepted their offer that pays $15,000 more base pay, full health benefits (previous job didn’t give benefits), and FOUR weeks of PTO (I only had one week at my old job). I put in my two weeks yesterday. While I was hopeful my boss would have been reasonable and understanding, unsurprisingly he freaked out on me and went into super guilt trip mode. He basically got legitimately angry at me because apparently two weeks is unacceptable and not enough time to find a replacement (we’re a tiny team and I’m the only one who knows how…

Finally I’m legitimately happy once again!

After working with this toxic company for the past year and a half I can finally say I’m leaving for a much better job! My old job I’ve been heavily overworked, underpaid, and simply blatantly taken advantage of (see my old posts).

I found a new job and accepted their offer that pays $15,000 more base pay, full health benefits (previous job didn’t give benefits), and FOUR weeks of PTO (I only had one week at my old job).

I put in my two weeks yesterday. While I was hopeful my boss would have been reasonable and understanding, unsurprisingly he freaked out on me and went into super guilt trip mode. He basically got legitimately angry at me because apparently two weeks is unacceptable and not enough time to find a replacement (we’re a tiny team and I’m the only one who knows how to run most of our machines among other things).

He did the usual guilt tripping things of begging me to stay until the end of the year and whatnot. Not once did he offer any form of increased compensation.

The part that bugged me was he literally said “Well Xstell, if you are leaving then that means nobody else cares and I should just fire every one else and shut the company down”. My only response to that was that I can just leave today if you want me to…

Then he went on about I should have gave him advanced notice so he could have hired and trained a replacement to which I responded “I have been asking for another guy to help me for months” (which is true as I’ve been overloaded). Then he nearly yelled at me “You know we can’t afford another guy right now so I don’t know why you ever would have asked to get more help.”

If that’s not a textbook contradiction then I don’t know what is…

He stormed off and slammed the door after that. Then came back a few minutes later with more guilt tripping before he stormed off again.

He texted me later in a more calm demeanor but haven’t seen him face to face since. Nothing he say will ever convince me that he’s not a total asshole.

The only thing I’m gonna miss at my old job is my coworkers. We were a small team and we all got along great. Just unfortunate the boss/owner doesn’t realize the harm he’s done.

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