
Working for anyone else is undoable if there’s an inkling of an idea of what a person wants to accomplish in life themselves.

I can't fathom how humans spend years upon years of education and training to employ themselves under the hood of someone more wealthy than them (not necessarily more deserving of that status and money, nor skilled, depends). Unless you're working for a friend, that just means willful slavery. And if you were indeed working for a friend… why aren't you partners? I hope there's a good reason behind that and you're actively working on getting a bigger share of the cake, once you become better. Anyways, I could go on for paragraphs but here's a tl;dr that kinda proves the mutual exclusiveness of the two discussed notions: If there is a clear idea in the mind of a person who is currently not working of what they want to accomplish themselves, to start working for somebody requires either killing that idea forever and if that is not the case, severely…

I can't fathom how humans spend years upon years of education and training to employ themselves under the hood of someone more wealthy than them (not necessarily more deserving of that status and money, nor skilled, depends).

Unless you're working for a friend, that just means willful slavery. And if you were indeed working for a friend… why aren't you partners? I hope there's a good reason behind that and you're actively working on getting a bigger share of the cake, once you become better.

Anyways, I could go on for paragraphs but here's a tl;dr that kinda proves the mutual exclusiveness of the two discussed notions:

  • If there is a clear idea in the mind of a person who is currently not working of what they want to accomplish themselves, to start working for somebody requires either killing that idea forever and if that is not the case, severely and permanently damaging the potential or even the very chance of success at all. Butterfly effect – good ideas cannot be postponed, postponing them = wave goodbye to the timeline in which you followed own path…
  • If people who already work for bigger entities disagree with that, and they claim they do have ideas and just are not bringing them into fruition, this when negated and pondered upon leads to an obvious undeniable conclusion: one works for somebody else when all possible ideas conceived by them are so worthless to the society that they can't even be monetized for sufficient survival means. Moreover, the potential to produce any okay ideas, not even good, brilliant, or truly genuis ones, is literally 0.

Billions of people working for others, and not a single good idea they can come up with themselves, that would bring better result when brought into fruition than wage-slavery.

Working for somebody else in a fashion most do is a declaration of defeat of personal ideas, creativity and brilliance, a manifest of stupidity. It's admitting one can't even think of an idea realistically good enough to sustain themselves.

Oh, you'd love to discuss the matter of originality of ideas? Oh man… I mean… we could talk about that if this world wasn't just an NPC filled simulation.

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