
I overheard my manager scolding my coworkers for talking about their wages

Basically what the title says. I work in a restaurant and I overheard one of my managers getting on the cooks' case about discussing their pay. She was trying to make it sound lighthearted but anyone who has been around her knows better. She was going on about how “even the managers didn't talk to each other about pay” and how “it's nobody's business” and directly scolded one of the cooks and told him something along the lines of how she didn't wanna hear him talking about how much he makes. This woman has proved in many ways multiple times that all she cares about is her bottom line. She has threatened to write my coworkers up for eating a breadstick without asking first. She has us measure the salad we give out very precisely and will threaten us with write ups if we're off very much. That is a…

Basically what the title says. I work in a restaurant and I overheard one of my managers getting on the cooks' case about discussing their pay. She was trying to make it sound lighthearted but anyone who has been around her knows better. She was going on about how “even the managers didn't talk to each other about pay” and how “it's nobody's business” and directly scolded one of the cooks and told him something along the lines of how she didn't wanna hear him talking about how much he makes.

This woman has proved in many ways multiple times that all she cares about is her bottom line. She has threatened to write my coworkers up for eating a breadstick without asking first. She has us measure the salad we give out very precisely and will threaten us with write ups if we're off very much. That is a very tedious thing to have to do during a rush, but we have to do it. And she admitted she makes us do it because somehow it affects her bonus (something to do with food cost and waste I guess). There's a million examples I could give to how she sucks, but this is the first time she's ever done anything that I believe is illegal.

So basically I want to know:
1. Is what she did actually illegal?
2. Is there anything I should do or advise my coworkers to do?

I'm usually not one to get involved in anything like this but it just really made me mad to see her getting on their case about something that I think they have a right to do, especially when she gets on everyone's case so much. Idk, maybe I should stay out of it. Y'all let me know what you think. Thanks in advance

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