
I could be out of a job by the end of the year

I'm freaking tf out right now. The end of the year is only 2 months and some change away and the job market is absolute shit where I live. I'm making good money where I am now, most of which I've been putting toward bills (obviously)… However, my cat has had several expensive vet appointments recently due to some complications she's experiencing and she has a few more expensive vet visits coming up for some blood work and xrays and I cannot afford to lose my job before I can take care of her, which is what I'm most worried about right now. Without the money I'm making now, I wouldn't be able to afford to take care of her and pay my bills. I'd literally have to choose between her and my bills and I can't do that. She's on a cheap diet of canned tuna only (vet's orders)…

I'm freaking tf out right now. The end of the year is only 2 months and some change away and the job market is absolute shit where I live. I'm making good money where I am now, most of which I've been putting toward bills (obviously)… However, my cat has had several expensive vet appointments recently due to some complications she's experiencing and she has a few more expensive vet visits coming up for some blood work and xrays and I cannot afford to lose my job before I can take care of her, which is what I'm most worried about right now. Without the money I'm making now, I wouldn't be able to afford to take care of her and pay my bills. I'd literally have to choose between her and my bills and I can't do that. She's on a cheap diet of canned tuna only (vet's orders) but she's also on some semi-expensive meds that I will likely have to renew her prescription for depending on if this month's supply works for her and I need to be able to afford them because I refuse to have her put down just so I can avoid the expenses of her medication when the condition she has is treatable and it's not making her suffer (it's a condition that could get worse if left untreated, but since it is treatable and she is being treated for it there's no need to put her down). I'm at a loss of what to do. I can start apply for other jobs but again the job market right now sucks ass here so I'm feeling a bit helpless

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