
Fuck it. Let the chips fall where they will.

I actually love where I work. I’m an integral part of a process that results in a beautiful thing at the end of the day. But that notwithstanding, I am paid significantly less than I require to pay my bills and have food to eat, let alone maybe save a few dollars a month to act as a bulwark against some unforeseen occurrence. And I am fucking tired of living like this. I’m 49 years old and I’ve got a SHITLOAD of experience as a factory mechanic. And I literally have no idea if I’m going to make rent next month. Like I said, I dig where I work, and one of the reasons why is that my boss is a very good person. We got absolutely shitfaced on the river with my dog and I told him that come Monday, I wasn’t going to be able to come to…

I actually love where I work. I’m an integral part of a process that results in a beautiful thing at the end of the day. But that notwithstanding, I am paid significantly less than I require to pay my bills and have food to eat, let alone maybe save a few dollars a month to act as a bulwark against some unforeseen occurrence. And I am fucking tired of living like this. I’m 49 years old and I’ve got a SHITLOAD of experience as a factory mechanic. And I literally have no idea if I’m going to make rent next month. Like I said, I dig where I work, and one of the reasons why is that my boss is a very good person. We got absolutely shitfaced on the river with my dog and I told him that come Monday, I wasn’t going to be able to come to work for the pissant wage I’m getting. I have no idea how this will play out. My intuition says I’ll be unemployed. But I refuse to kick ass and take names and still have to worry about whether or not I have to visit the food bank this month. Bottom line, solidarity among the workers. If we all refuse to work for less than we’re worth, they’ll have to deal with us.

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