
My Boss Has No Business Leading Anybody

I kept going back and forth on whether I should post this, but I need someone to hear my cries. I’m a veteran in my late 20s and I work full time while finishing up my Bachelors Degree. I took the job in this company as it is a big company with many chances to grow. I have a boss who is just causing the most toxic work environment I have ever experienced and I feel so helpless. He doesn’t know how to manage people. I think he’s got Aspergers? He does not know how to read a room. He says the most inappropriate things at the wrong time. I’m not against poking fun at in a department as I was in the military but when someone is clearly not laughing with you, you need to drop it. He doesn’t seem to quite get it. He constantly berates and talks…

I kept going back and forth on whether I should post this, but I need someone to hear my cries.
I’m a veteran in my late 20s and I work full time while finishing up my Bachelors Degree. I took the job in this company as it is a big company with many chances to grow.
I have a boss who is just causing the most toxic work environment I have ever experienced and I feel so helpless.
He doesn’t know how to manage people. I think he’s got Aspergers? He does not know how to read a room. He says the most inappropriate things at the wrong time. I’m not against poking fun at in a department as I was in the military but when someone is clearly not laughing with you, you need to drop it. He doesn’t seem to quite get it. He constantly berates and talks shit when we put in requests for PTO, saying we need to find our own replacement no matter how far out we are requesting. And what makes me feel more helpless is his boss and him are basically butt buddies and will defend him to the very end.
The event that made me specifically write this post happened Friday. He texts me at 545 am asking if I am awake by chance, which I did not respond to as I was asleep. He then calls me 15 minutes later, and I half awake made the mistake of answering. He said “Great, you’re awake! I need you to come in early. You will still leave at your normal time”. I was going in at 8 anyways so I said screw it and went in a bit early for some OT, and to help out the night person so they could leave. I get there and start working. Then find out my boss decided to take the day off himself and I would be the only one on campus for our department. annoying but it is what it is. Then I get a call from a manager asking why so and so was not done last night, I told her I was not aware it needed to be done, called the night guy to confirm, and he was not aware either. Called my boss and he said he sent an email out two weeks ago and that we needed to do. He did not send an email and found out about it the day before. So I go ahead and do what needs to be done. The end of my shift comes along, and no one comes in to relieve me. I text my boss and he said I will have relief two hours after I was supposed to get off. I get off my shift two hours late and decide I’m never working more than my scheduled hours again.
Last night, he sends out a mass text asking if someone wants to go in early and stay late without knowing a time if he could get a relief. Needless to say, no one even responded to him.

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