
My boss had an epiphany

I got pulled into the office and was told I would have a potential promotion within the next year. I was having a case of the mondays so I wasn’t very excited or chatty about it. I stayed cordial and thanked them properly. They said I must be committed as they will have to invest in me. I simply said “yes I’m committed, thank you” the room went silent and out of no where my boss said “actually I just had an epiphany”. Never said what it was but that he will be talking to a manager about this “epiphany”. What the heck is all that about? Should I be worried?

I got pulled into the office and was told I would have a potential promotion within the next year. I was having a case of the mondays so I wasn’t very excited or chatty about it. I stayed cordial and thanked them properly. They said I must be committed as they will have to invest in me. I simply said “yes I’m committed, thank you” the room went silent and out of no where my boss said “actually I just had an epiphany”. Never said what it was but that he will be talking to a manager about this “epiphany”.

What the heck is all that about? Should I be worried?

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