
Exploded tire and can’t afford a new one bc my job doesn’t pay me enough

My tire exploded yesterday when I was running errands. I was 16 mins away from home, and I guess I hit something on the road and next thing I know I was on the rims and my tire was shredded. Couldn't afford an uber so asked one of my parents to pick me up. My dad came an hour later, and refuses to pay for the tire. It wasn't my fault, and he has the money, he just doesn't. They're kicking me out the house soon and idk how they expect me to get a place and pay for 150 dollar tires all by myself making almost min wage. I explained how I barely have enough in my bank account to pay for a new one, and he literally looked me in the face and said get a better job. I'm 20, 3 months into the job, getting paid 15…

My tire exploded yesterday when I was running errands. I was 16 mins away from home, and I guess I hit something on the road and next thing I know I was on the rims and my tire was shredded.

Couldn't afford an uber so asked one of my parents to pick me up. My dad came an hour later, and refuses to pay for the tire. It wasn't my fault, and he has the money, he just doesn't. They're kicking me out the house soon and idk how they expect me to get a place and pay for 150 dollar tires all by myself making almost min wage.

I explained how I barely have enough in my bank account to pay for a new one, and he literally looked me in the face and said get a better job. I'm 20, 3 months into the job, getting paid 15 an hour and use literally all my money on paying my parents rent, food, car insurance and gas to go to and from work. I can't even drive to work now and told my boss, so i'm making no money and don't have enough for a new tire.

I physically cannot get a better job, my dad kicked me out of college and places that pay insanely low amounts hourly all require degrees which is ridiculous. So now, my car is 16 mins away from me, parked in a random neighborhood on the side of the road waiting for me to get the money to replace its tire.

This system is so unbelievably fucked. When emergencies like this happen these low paying jobs leave us with nothing, it's bills paid and everything I worked for immediately gone. I just physically cannot make enough money to save any at all.

I have like 20 dollars in crypto that I can sell and that's it.

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