
Offer rescinded after completing onboarding

I don't even know what to say. This is mainly just a vent post. I've been busting my ass going to school full time, working full time, and owning a home/raising a family. Finished a dual associates this year with my GI Bill and still pursuing a bachelor's and hopefully an MPA. I've worked construction my whole life, and military, but I've been working to get into a more white-collar job in Public Service. I absolutely love helping people, thus the Public Admin degrees. I finally netted a state government interview in the field that went incredibly well. They interviewed 10 people and offered me the job. It would have changed my life professionally and financially. I would have gained experience, which is vital, and gotten a 15k raise from my current job (city gov-construction operations). Today, with 5 days left in my two week notice and the day after…

I don't even know what to say. This is mainly just a vent post.

I've been busting my ass going to school full time, working full time, and owning a home/raising a family. Finished a dual associates this year with my GI Bill and still pursuing a bachelor's and hopefully an MPA.

I've worked construction my whole life, and military, but I've been working to get into a more white-collar job in Public Service. I absolutely love helping people, thus the Public Admin degrees. I finally netted a state government interview in the field that went incredibly well. They interviewed 10 people and offered me the job. It would have changed my life professionally and financially. I would have gained experience, which is vital, and gotten a 15k raise from my current job (city gov-construction operations).

Today, with 5 days left in my two week notice and the day after filling out my onboarding paperwork, they called and told me they could no longer offer me that salary. I was floored. The new starting salary is 10k less than I currently make. I was told that the original offer would create inequity in the small team I would be a part of and they just didn't want to drive a wedge in between us. Now I have no idea what to do. I can't take the pay cut financially, and I can't see myself last long at my current job now that they know I am looking to leave. I'm on good terms and they will take me back gladly, but I have never been so disillusioned with life right now.


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