
Currently drafting my letter of resignation

Starting off by providing context: I have worked for a small lawnmowing company for the past three summers. (When I say small, I have been the only full time employee other than the owner who runs the business out of his house. There have been a few part timers that have come and gone.) My boss has been decent overall; giving me regular bonuses and raises and even some PTO when a part timer was available to fill in. Now to why I am leaving: Last week I get into the work truck and my boss is all bundled up. He says that his son got sick at school and it has spread to the rest of the family. He complained of chills, fever, and body aches. I naively decide to stay and work for the day. (I didn't think it was possible he had covid because I thought he…

Starting off by providing context:
I have worked for a small lawnmowing company for the past three summers. (When I say small, I have been the only full time employee other than the owner who runs the business out of his house. There have been a few part timers that have come and gone.) My boss has been decent overall; giving me regular bonuses and raises and even some PTO when a part timer was available to fill in.

Now to why I am leaving:
Last week I get into the work truck and my boss is all bundled up. He says that his son got sick at school and it has spread to the rest of the family. He complained of chills, fever, and body aches. I naively decide to stay and work for the day. (I didn't think it was possible he had covid because I thought he would have gotten himself tested beforehand and let me know.) A couple days later, I start to exhibit symptoms and go get myself tested. The rapid test came back positive almost immediately. I think to myself, “Shit, I my dad is in his late 60s (vaccinated luckily) and my sister is unvaccinated and I have to go back home and risk exposing them?” So I start self isolating as much as I can and sanitize anything I touch in common areas. I also text my boss informing him that I tested positive for covid. He takes a bit to reply by eventually says that he just barely did a rapid test and came back positive as well. He had not tested himself prior or even gotten his son or anyone else in his family tested. I finish the five days of doctor advised self isolation and go into work this week. I asked my boss point blank, “Did you ever have the thought before you had me come into work when you were sick that 'a virus is going through my family, maybe I should let my employee know and skip mowing for the week'?” To which he replied, “I did but I thought you would rather come into work and risk getting sick than do the whole mowing route yourself.” He didn't even apologize for getting me sick and ultimately putting my dad's and my sister's health at risk. I had to say, “Not even an apology?” He even asked me, “Should I have let you know I was sick and given you the option to work by yourself or skip the week until I'm better?” His words and actions as well as inactions showed me that he doesn't truly value my health and well being and thinks that I value work more than my own health and well being as well. It's lawnmowing for fuck's sake.

Sorry for rambling but rant over and to the good news. I'm still recovering well and it seems my self isolation is working as my dad and sister are still healthy.

TL;DR: My boss came to work sick and got me sick with what ended up being covid. He then tells me that he thought I would have rather gone into work and risk getting sick than working alone or not working.

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