
My boss is ruining my coworker’s life by not allowing WFH

So at my job there is this middle manager who is the typical over worker; always staying after, sending texts/setting stuff up after hours, never ever seems burnt out, does way more than he should, never says no, etc.. We all work exclusively on computers, and actually do super well when we occasionally have to WFH due to illness or whatever. My CEO refuses to allow full or part time WFH, for no justified reason except overseeing us or some bullshit about office culture. Anyway, this middle manager recently had 2 kids, they are under a year old. His spouse works a physical/in-person job, and our CEO won’t let us WFH so he is forced to put the kids in daycare a lot of the time. I recently talked with him about this and learned that he pays up to $2k per month to keep the kids in daycare. Also…

So at my job there is this middle manager who is the typical over worker; always staying after, sending texts/setting stuff up after hours, never ever seems burnt out, does way more than he should, never says no, etc.. We all work exclusively on computers, and actually do super well when we occasionally have to WFH due to illness or whatever. My CEO refuses to allow full or part time WFH, for no justified reason except overseeing us or some bullshit about office culture.

Anyway, this middle manager recently had 2 kids, they are under a year old. His spouse works a physical/in-person job, and our CEO won’t let us WFH so he is forced to put the kids in daycare a lot of the time. I recently talked with him about this and learned that he pays up to $2k per month to keep the kids in daycare. Also since the kids were born, this manager has been sick probably 6-7 times in less than a year. He recently told me it’s because the kids always bring it home from daycare, and one of the kids always has a respirator on because of the effects of being perpetually sick.

The way I see it, this guys life could be going 2 separate ways right now. The good way: he works from home, saves $2k per month, has better health for him and his kids. And then there’s the bad way: he is forced to work in-office, so he has to pay thousands of dollars for childcare, doesn’t get to spend time with his kids, is perpetually sick, and gets the same amount of work done.

When I realized this it made me sick. Like this stupid anti-WFH attitude will have lasting effects on this guys life. Who knows how his kids’ life will be permanently affected?? The $2k he’s spending per month can’t go to his kids’ futures?? He’s missing valuable bonding time with his kids every single day?? And all for what, so my CEO can pop in and ask him questions a little easier? So my CEO can have a little more control?

Idk I guess this is more of rant, but it’s sad to see these weird work traditions we have in the US taking a lasting effect on someone’s life and future.

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