
I got completely screwed, and I want to do something but I don’t know what

This happened at the end of January, so it has been resolved but I'm still very angry and unsure what my best route to take is. Here is the situation: I started working at a trucking company in December. The job was marketed as a dispatch position. When I started I found out it was actually brokering (which is basically sales). I let that slide since I figured I may have read the description incorrectly (brain damage), and the pay was good (liveable). I interviewed and was hired the same day, which should have been a red flag but I was leaving a very low-paying job so honestly, I was just desperate. The first week there I was taught nothing, nada, zilch. They showed me how to log into my programs and told me not to turn on my phone because they would be back to train me and never…

This happened at the end of January, so it has been resolved but I'm still very angry and unsure what my best route to take is. Here is the situation:

I started working at a trucking company in December. The job was marketed as a dispatch position. When I started I found out it was actually brokering (which is basically sales). I let that slide since I figured I may have read the description incorrectly (brain damage), and the pay was good (liveable).

I interviewed and was hired the same day, which should have been a red flag but I was leaving a very low-paying job so honestly, I was just desperate.

The first week there I was taught nothing, nada, zilch. They showed me how to log into my programs and told me not to turn on my phone because they would be back to train me and never came back (mind you, there were only three of us there). Every question I asked was usually met with “well you'll learn that as you keep working” or “you're going to have to fend for yourself” so I just put my head down and tried to work. But I still knew very little about how I was supposed to do my job, or what my productivity was supposed to look like

They also knew I had 0 prior experience, that I would not know how to run these programs, and would need to be trained. I worked a total of 24 days and in this time they wanted me to be a perfect expert.

Then we hit January. I got covid pretty badly and wound up in the hospital, and at this point, my coworkers had started treating me so poorly that the thought of going in to work literally made me hyperventilate in my car before walking in, so I took 2 UNPAID days off. The total days worked in January was 7. My numbers were good despite this, and yet I get an email to have a meeting with my boss and coworker about “performance issues”. The meeting was genuinely just them berating me and giving me no room to explain myself. My abusive mom treated me better.

I'm not sure why I didn't just quit there, but instead, I put my head down and made my numbers look even better. Just for them to fire me the following Monday for “not progressing after the meeting”. I wanted to scream, but I was kind of relieved in a strange way. Then they contested my unemployment so that was a whole other thing.

I want to do something, I have a nasty email sent out but I don't know if that would do any good. I don't have them on my CV since it was only a month. Any ideas?

TLDR: My last job treated me so poorly I had breakdowns daily and then fired me for having bad numbers even though they were the best of my teams despite only working 7 days.

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