
12 Days

Just found out I'm missing out on the annual holiday bonus this year because I started on July 12th of LAST year and the fiscal year begins on July 1st. Policy states you need to have been employed for 1 full “fiscal year” meaning I am missing out on the yearly bonus by…….12 whole days even though I've worked here for 1 year and 3 months. I asked if there was anything they could do and the answer was no because “It's policy and just how it's always been.” 2800 dollars lost because I started 12 days after the start of the fiscal year. Well I guess it's not lost if it wasn't ever mine, but this is leaving a very sour taste in my mouth about this job.

Just found out I'm missing out on the annual holiday bonus this year because I started on July 12th of LAST year and the fiscal year begins on July 1st. Policy states you need to have been employed for 1 full “fiscal year” meaning I am missing out on the yearly bonus by…….12 whole days even though I've worked here for 1 year and 3 months. I asked if there was anything they could do and the answer was no because “It's policy and just how it's always been.”

2800 dollars lost because I started 12 days after the start of the fiscal year. Well I guess it's not lost if it wasn't ever mine, but this is leaving a very sour taste in my mouth about this job.

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