
My Boomer FIL is in the other room telling the story of how he afforded a first home by pulling like, three all-nighters. “I would do anything it took!” he brags.

Do you know how many all-nighters me and my husband pulled just to get our STEM degrees? The story goes that FIL was working as a contractor. His boss was willing to pay way above of the usual range for a job, if only FIL could finish the job in a hurry. So for a few weeks he worked very hard, including missing some sleep. And that’s how hard work gets you a house. And me and my generation who have worked way harder just… need to get our act together. We’re 34, great jobs, still saving up as house prices climb high and higher. We’re competing against corporations who can afford to pay it all up front, without any interest paid to loans, so they can scrape the housing market bare and rent it back to us at obscene rates. “Do whatever it takes?” Fuck you.

Do you know how many all-nighters me and my husband pulled just to get our STEM degrees?

The story goes that FIL was working as a contractor. His boss was willing to pay way above of the usual range for a job, if only FIL could finish the job in a hurry. So for a few weeks he worked very hard, including missing some sleep.

And that’s how hard work gets you a house.

And me and my generation who have worked way harder just… need to get our act together.

We’re 34, great jobs, still saving up as house prices climb high and higher.

We’re competing against corporations who can afford to pay it all up front, without any interest paid to loans, so they can scrape the housing market bare and rent it back to us at obscene rates.

“Do whatever it takes?” Fuck you.

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