
being manipulated to work hard and paid less

So I got a graphic designing job at a private company the owner works for Dunkin and he set out us to do advertising task for him. Well i have to travel 47min from my home to the office. I don't have a car and I use van service which cost me half my salary. I've talked to my boss but he told me that I'm just young and he isn't sure if I will stay for 2 months or 6 months, he sated yes there is a lot of money with Dunkin but at the same time you need to build experience and should work on the same salary and not care about money yet. Following that statement he stated that his previous employ had many medical issues yet she still made it to work and also paid same amount as her salary. Which he wasn't aware of but…

So I got a graphic designing job at a private company the owner works for Dunkin and he set out us to do advertising task for him.

Well i have to travel 47min from my home to the office. I don't have a car and I use van service which cost me half my salary.

I've talked to my boss but he told me that I'm just young and he isn't sure if I will stay for 2 months or 6 months, he sated yes there is a lot of money with Dunkin but at the same time you need to build experience and should work on the same salary and not care about money yet. Following that statement he stated that his previous employ had many medical issues yet she still made it to work and also paid same amount as her salary. Which he wasn't aware of but didn't say what action he took.

My point in my head was yes everyone struggles but as a graphic designer who earns $450(per project) freelancing, I work for a company for $200(monthly) isn't that under paid.

I personally wanna work for an organization and do side projects on freelance but it doesn't make sense why am I being paid under when he can still increase my pay.

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