Background: I work at a shop as the lead production. 10 years of experience in everything in the shop except 1 task (I’ll explain in a moment). To start with it was a family operation that I was supposed to take over at one point. The previous owner left me alone with the shop for 6 weeks straight with no customer account information, pricing lists for different tier customers, or even a “hey this is what’s up” just gone. Then he appears one day and says he’s selling the shop but it’s ok cause I still have a job. Maybe I’m just a pushover maybe I’m flat out stupid, but I digress.
So in steps this new owner and his brothers all Mennonites. I am not. I’m your average millennial with big holes in my ears and a man bun trying to make enough to support my wife and child. Normally, I have no qualms with anyone regardless of whatever you want to be. Be you be happy be free. But this new owner comes in takes my salary away and puts me on hourly. Also takes away my vacation days and pto. I am now making half of what I used to make a year. Yet the work I’m doing nets him 100k a month. He covers my annual pay about 4.5 times a month. You do the math. He then hires a relative to “help”. He’s the laziest person I’ve ever meet. Takes a 20 minute job and turns it into a 2 hour job. He’s one of those people who try to look busy until everyone else does all the work. Since I’m the only everyone else, that’s me. I have never brought this up. Cause I’m a good employee? I don’t know. So today I get this wild hair to look at my hours for once in 2 years. I know this part is very dumb. You may call me out for never looking at my hours in two years, but I really trusted this new owner, or at least tried. But I come to find that he’s been docking me a hour for a 30 minute lunch, and also docking 30 minutes when I don’t take a lunch. In two years at my pay rate that’s over $5000. Now back to his relative, you know, the lazy one. He takes longer than 30 minutes everyday, sometimes I creepily eyeball him for period of time to see if he will maybe catch a hint. Anyway today I brought said owner into the office and explained my frustration with how my lunch hours have been documented. It’s immediately turned around to me being the issue. It’s because I leave while he’s spraying. The job I refuse to do (told you I’d get to this) because I’m already grinding my self to the bone while the owner and his relative small talk and in short SLOWLY move around the shop. I told the owner I already work hard enough, and have enough experience in everything else that I’m not learning to spray because then he’d have me doing it all while reaping the rewards. Anyway I repeatedly told him that I leave and come back with 5 minutes left to eat if I haven’t eaten on the way back. His reply was “well I’m busy so I don’t know what time you get back”. I brought to his attention his relatives extended lunch breaks. His reply “yeah everyone kinda takes. Little longer than 30 minutes. Some people eat slower.” But he’s not penalized because he’s family? Cause he doesn’t leave? Both? Regardless I take a shorter lunch than him and I get docked more?
I don’t even have questions for you dear internet people. I’m so beaten down and tired of the runaround. I’m here to whistleblow that Mennonite and Amish people are tax deducted on a “religious” bracket. They use it FOR EVERYTHING. They are terrible greedy people. The Amish them selves are full of child molesters and incest. When caught the police are not contacted. They are sent to an Amish mental facility to be “rehabilitated” in “the word of god”. Then back on your streets. Amish and Mennonite isn’t a religion. The religion is Christianity. But yet they get free money while destroying the roads with hooves and spreading farm feces all over the roads.
The next time you see an Amish or Mennonite. Know these things. They are a cool site to see when in the Midwest. They are a greedy, thieving, downright demented cult.
Tread lightly dear readers. Do not become victims to these people.