
The “critique” I have received in my first week at work at Home Depot

It has now been exactly one week of work at Home Depot in Washington, and I have documented each and every “critique”/unofficial reprimand I have received. All of this has been received from a very nosy and picky assistant manager who is not on good terms with a lot of people. 9/28 first day, lots of online training, told I should not be sitting with my legs on top of another chair by assistant manager. (I have a medical condition that store and head manager, and now direct supervisor and coach are aware of, just not this assistant manager. I can't be standing for long periods of time and need to take frequent but short breaks to manage my legs to prevent muscle damage). 9/29 was told I was not dressed appropriate for work, did not tell me what exactly was wrong, just that not to wear that again. 9/30…

It has now been exactly one week of work at Home Depot in Washington, and I have documented each and every “critique”/unofficial reprimand I have received. All of this has been received from a very nosy and picky assistant manager who is not on good terms with a lot of people.

9/28 first day, lots of online training, told I should not be sitting with my legs on top of another chair by assistant manager. (I have a medical condition that store and head manager, and now direct supervisor and coach are aware of, just not this assistant manager. I can't be standing for long periods of time and need to take frequent but short breaks to manage my legs to prevent muscle damage).

9/29 was told I was not dressed appropriate for work, did not tell me what exactly was wrong, just that not to wear that again.

9/30 was told my perfume was setting off other people's allergies and that I should not wear it again, undertone made it sound like anything scented or fragrance was not allowed. (Nowhere in the dress code, employee packages or online help does it mention anything at all about anything scented, fragrance or perfumes. Only mention was that body odor may not be acceptable depending on working conditions. May be discrimination, I am trans, and when asking other female coworkers, they had never heard of this)

10/1 my pants were not acceptable at work(they are jeans branded by Levi and are high waisted elastic denim. Hand book specifically mentions jeans as appropriate as long as they are not torn.

10/4 was reprimanded for using my personal device while at the desk. I was assisting a customer with looking things up in a section I am not familiar with, and any other time my phone comes out is to look at time, look items up or take a picture of a product someone wants.

10/5 was told that I should not be assisting a customer outside of my section as there would then be no one to cover my three aisle. There was also no workers in the bordering two sections, leaving me with customers from aisle 6-12 instead of 7-9 like it's suppose to be.

What a loving and fantastic work place, definitely will be talking to head manager or store manager about some clarifying questions about all this feedback I've received. I really can't seem to understand if I've done anything wrong at all, as I've made sure to follow all of their rules and dress code.

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