
I quit my job a week before massive layoffs

I work in a hospital system as a lab tech, and last week I quit my job to work at a new hospital (won't go into detail as to why, but it was essentially ruining my mental health to work there). A former co-worker just texted me and told me they are closing down Labor and Delivery (L&D) at one hospital, and our entire outpatient reach (every doctors office, urgent care, etc) is being sold to Quest. They've estimated that the lab is going to have a 70% drop in workload overnight. She said she and several other people are going to be laid off in order of seniority. She had more seniority than me, so I definitely would have been one of them. I don't know, something about finding out a week after I quit that I would be laid off anyway is hilarious to me. I unknowingly waited…

I work in a hospital system as a lab tech, and last week I quit my job to work at a new hospital (won't go into detail as to why, but it was essentially ruining my mental health to work there).

A former co-worker just texted me and told me they are closing down Labor and Delivery (L&D) at one hospital, and our entire outpatient reach (every doctors office, urgent care, etc) is being sold to Quest. They've estimated that the lab is going to have a 70% drop in workload overnight. She said she and several other people are going to be laid off in order of seniority. She had more seniority than me, so I definitely would have been one of them.

I don't know, something about finding out a week after I quit that I would be laid off anyway is hilarious to me. I unknowingly waited until the last possible second to say “You can't fire me, I quit.”

On another note though, this shift to outsourcing labs is getting worrisome. Independent corporate labs like Quest and Labcore are taking over the market and squeezing the rest of us out. Those places are run like work camps and are horrible. I'm getting scared for the future of my career.

Anyhoo, I'm starting my new job next Monday. Yay quitting!

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