
To the Antiwork members that believe in the propaganda of the left, what makes you believe they’ll do more for the working class this time?

This is a serious question. What makes you believe that the politicians on what the United States calls the left/Liberal (I say it that way, because to the rest of the world, what we call our left would still be considered conservative, just less conservative and more towards the center than our right), are going to do anything to help the working class? This isn't a conservative person bashing the left, I just don't think there's many conservatives here to begin with. So this really wouldn't be the place to get a similar answer for conservatives. If it was, the question would go for both equally. I used to be an independent with more center views. Voted for Bush in 2004 because we dealt with Kerry here and I didn't like him. Then was a democratic, voted for Obama in 2008, then I finally realized that neither side care. It's…

This is a serious question.

What makes you believe that the politicians on what the United States calls the left/Liberal (I say it that way, because to the rest of the world, what we call our left would still be considered conservative, just less conservative and more towards the center than our right), are going to do anything to help the working class?

This isn't a conservative person bashing the left, I just don't think there's many conservatives here to begin with. So this really wouldn't be the place to get a similar answer for conservatives. If it was, the question would go for both equally.

I used to be an independent with more center views. Voted for Bush in 2004 because we dealt with Kerry here and I didn't like him. Then was a democratic, voted for Obama in 2008, then I finally realized that neither side care. It's tough to admit you fell for a song and dance for years, but it's freeing once you do as well, once you get over the feeling stupid part.

Obama is what changed it all for me. Obama had the senate, and house, majority when he was first elected into office in his first term.

Side note, he was also the first president to use the technology similar to the scandal with the Trump campaign documented in documentary on Netflix called “The Great Hack. It focuses on the Trump campaign, but Obama used it first, he just didn't get caught the way Trump did. It's scary that any side can use the technology we have like that. Watch The Great Hack if you haven't yet.

Once a relatively young, black, Democrat, president, didn't use the fact that he had the house and the senate majority to his advantage to get more done, it was obvious that it's all just a song and dance, we don't actually matter to them. He gave us peanuts when he promised steak and salmon. He ran his whole campaign on “Change”, and was clearly more of the same. Give them just enough to keep my 35%-40% of Americans falling for our bull shit. 25%-30% of us don't even vote because we know it's a scam.

Between things like

gerrymandering, which is redrawing the lines for county/city delegates so you ensure you get the delegates/votes, because you drew the lines in ways that ensure you do. Which is completely rigging elections, and completely legal to do according to our laws.

Them controlling who the media gives attention to. Descendants of past politicians, and families involved with them are the only one's that the media is going to give enough airtime for anyone to know who they are. Joe schmo from Idaho has no chance to get media time. That's not a choice, that's a forced choice.

The shady ways campaigns are funded, corporations will fund both sides of the isle which you would normally think is counterintuitive because one side says they're for the working class, in reality that's just lip service. Corporations know both sides have their back, hence why they fund both sides so they always have friends. Who wins doesn't matter anyways, as long as you keep falling for one side or the other for the rest of your life.

How politicians can be lobbied? Lobbying is just a legal version of bribing people. It's a bribe, just call it what the fuck it is. There's no such thing as lobbying, it's bribing. They openly deal with being proposed with bribes legally, and we wonder why there corruption in our government? The legally accepted bribes, that in and of itself is corrupt regardless of it's legality. You know that, I know that, they know that, they just don't care.

The fact that they control who is allowed into debates. Even smaller parties such as the green party, libertarians, and others have been not allows in debates, you damn sure aren't seeing you, your neighbor, or anyone else in the debates. That's not a choice, that's their choices.

They control who you hear, who you see, what you know, it's all controlled, it's not a choice. At the very best, we're choosing between their prechosen choices, at worst, that's already chosen for us too. But either way, it's not a legitimate democracy where we actually get to choose what we feel is the best candidate to lead, we get to choose 2-3 times from the people they chose for you to choose from. They also manipulated you into choosing the choice they wanted you to choose from the prechosen choices they give you.

Trump and Clinton's have been family, lifelong, friends. To the point that their daughters were, realistically still are and will be hanging after their political careers, bff's. I was screaming about Trump, and the Clinton's, going to pedo Island with Jeffrey long before Trump ran for president and got called crazy for it, lol. The country fell for two friends running against each other, they probably had promises to each other to do certain things for them if the other one won. Bill was probably the best friend that Trump had prior to him running for president. You people really bought that people that were that good of friends just decided they don't like each other anymore overnight. Trump supported and donated to democrats most of his career. Trump was planned, they needed to A get more people involved in politics because most people didn't care pre-obama/pre-trump, B to divide us more to argue amongst ourselves instead of going against them. It worked great for them.

A lot of the biggest blows to the American working class have been bipartisan. NAFTA, the bill that set the precedence, and told every US employer that it's completely okay to send your work to other countries with cheaper labor, less safety, less regulations, less environmental laws, and sometimes child labor. That US labor laws, regulations, wages, have absolutely no way to compete with. What was left of our manufacturing after already losing steel was crushed by the precedence that NAFTA set. NAFTA was a bipartisan effort with Ross Perot being the one warning about it. NAFTA had bipartisan support for it as far back as Regan, just under a different name. It was one of his campaign running points. Both Carter Democrat, and Regan, republican, both dropped the ball on saving the steel industry.

Both sides have proven over and over they don't give a fuck about us, the working class is nothing more than idiots that they can get their vote to them. Both sides have promised for decades that they'll make things better, it only gets worse. We lose purchasing power year after year after year, no one helps us. What is it going to take for people on the left, and the right for that matter, to realize you're being fooled, they are the problem, not the solution. They are the cancer, not the cure.

I seriously want to know what makes you people believe 'this time will be different', like people haven't already been saying that for decades to no avail. The sooner we can get everyone off this Left vs Right BS, the sooner we can stop arguing with each other and fight the real battle. Which is us vs them, poor-middle class vs the 1%, David vs Goliath, the many vs the few, the ants winning the war, the sheep eating the lion.

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