
My Mom thinks telling me about how she got in trouble at work for being sick is going to convince me to go to work sick.

I called out of work today because I feel like I got run over by a steamroller. I told my mother, and she decided to berate me and tells me I am going to get fired because I called out 2 weeks ago due to a pet death. She then proceeds to tell me about all the times she got written up at work due to sickness, including the time my entire family had pneumonia. She also reminded me about how she got fired from her job because her boss didn't like the fact my sister and I were “controversial”. When I pointed out how wrong that all was, she just kept repeating how “that's how the world works. You can work with a cold. I understand you don't want other people to get sick, but oh well”. She really does not see how messed up all that is. Idk,…

I called out of work today because I feel like I got run over by a steamroller. I told my mother, and she decided to berate me and tells me I am going to get fired because I called out 2 weeks ago due to a pet death.

She then proceeds to tell me about all the times she got written up at work due to sickness, including the time my entire family had pneumonia. She also reminded me about how she got fired from her job because her boss didn't like the fact my sister and I were “controversial”.

When I pointed out how wrong that all was, she just kept repeating how “that's how the world works. You can work with a cold. I understand you don't want other people to get sick, but oh well”. She really does not see how messed up all that is.

Idk, I'm of the belief that if you are sick, covid or not, you shouldn't go into work. Has anyone ever actually been productive while sick at work? No. Then it also leads to everyone else in the workplace getting sick. How is that a good business model?

Honestly, I'm not worried about my job. My boss/the company I work for are good. But I guess if they fire me, they fire me.

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