
Reported boss to HR for sexism last week, written up this week.

I am female. I work in a small warehouse in rural Georgia. There are a total of seven employees in the whole building, and four of us are in the warehouse. I have been there for 14 months. On several occasions my boss has made sexist, what he thinks or jokes, towards me. I did not report this to HR because The mother branch of this company is on the other side of the country, and I’ve never even met the HR representative. I did report this stuff to my immediate supervisor. She sympathized with me, but did nothing to document it or report it. Last week another instance happened where the boss felt it necessary to belittle me in front of two of my coworkers because he seemed to feel that his masculinity was being threatened by me being knowledgeable. This is particularly confusing to me because I thought…

I am female. I work in a small warehouse in rural Georgia. There are a total of seven employees in the whole building, and four of us are in the warehouse. I have been there for 14 months. On several occasions my boss has made sexist, what he thinks or jokes, towards me. I did not report this to HR because The mother branch of this company is on the other side of the country, and I’ve never even met the HR representative. I did report this stuff to my immediate supervisor. She sympathized with me, but did nothing to document it or report it. Last week another instance happened where the boss felt it necessary to belittle me in front of two of my coworkers because he seemed to feel that his masculinity was being threatened by me being knowledgeable. This is particularly confusing to me because I thought that was why they hired me. I was mortified by the way he treated me and I clocked out early so that I could go home and cry my eyes out for the rest of the day. I told my other boss I had a family emergency. The next day I decided to call HR and report the incident. It’s hard to illustrate why I feel like his issue with me is sexism. I just know he doesn’t treat the guys the way he treats me. Also I brought up to him once that I was aware of the fact that a new employee, who has zero warehouse experience, was hired at a rate higher than what they started me off at a year ago. I have 10 years of warehouse experience. His reply to me about it was that they weren’t really sure what to pay me when they started me off because they weren’t sure what to expect from me. Women don’t usually work in warehouses.
Today I clocked into work, and realized I wanted to grab some thing from the house and would be right back. I’ll let a coworker know. My home is three minutes from work. I understand it is reasonable for someone to get in trouble for leaving work on the clock, but to put this in perspective, other people do this sort of thing regularly. It’s not abnormal for one of us to decide we would like to grab a drink from the gas station and go get something on the clock. I was informed later that I was going to be written up for that and I signed the form. The form states that if I am written up two more times I will be terminated. My immediate supervisor, not the the one who i am having issues white told me that I am the first person in the company to be written up. I am feeling very singled out.

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