
A patient threatened to b**b one of our labs, which somehow is my fault.

For context, I work at a doctor's office, and I won't specify what type, but I'll say that we work with other labs to make sure things you put on your face to see certain patients. Today near the end of the work day, a patient came in to retrieve one of two of his seeing devices and promptly asked the status of the other. This is an ordinary thing that we get asked a lot, and at the time, the office was quite busy. The front desk thought it was a good idea to give that patient the number of the lab to see what the status was because, again, unfortunately, we were busy, so we asked the patient to call them themselves. Later, a few moments later, the patient became angry, stating that we were playing around and that he needed the truth. When he called the lab,…

For context, I work at a doctor's office, and I won't specify what type, but I'll say that we work with other labs to make sure things you put on your face to see certain patients. Today near the end of the work day, a patient came in to retrieve one of two of his seeing devices and promptly asked the status of the other. This is an ordinary thing that we get asked a lot, and at the time, the office was quite busy. The front desk thought it was a good idea to give that patient the number of the lab to see what the status was because, again, unfortunately, we were busy, so we asked the patient to call them themselves. Later, a few moments later, the patient became angry, stating that we were playing around and that he needed the truth. When he called the lab, the lab, of course, did not give him the information. Subsequently, he decided to not only cuss the lab operator but also apparently threaten to b**b the lab a few cities away, where dozens of workers work. I got a call from the lab saying they needed to speak to the practice manager because a patient called and threatened them and wanted to know if they should take it seriously. I quickly transferred him to our other office so they could speak to the practice owner. I then confronted the patient, who threatened to “B**B A BUILDING!” and asked him why he said that and what the consequences were, and he told me that the operator must have misunderstood because he meant to say. I took this very seriously because the patient was an ex-marine of thirty years, so the chances of the man going mad was very high, in my opinion. After that, the other doctor I worked with said the same thing, and the patient left shortly afterward.

After that, I was pretty stressed and nervous; I never yelled or got aggressive with a patient unless it was for a good reason, but today got real quick, and I was dreading what the lab and my boss had to say about the situation. The doctor at the time and my co-workers assured me everything would be alright and that it wasn't my fault that it happened and said not to stress out and that point, I was at the end of throwing up because I knew what gonna happening. I get in my car soon after closing for the day, and my boss texts me to come to work tomorrow even though it's my day off. He tells me that the police got involved and that if I weren't for you calling the patient to come to pick up one of the two products instead of calling when they were both there, then this wouldn't have happened. I pondered on that, and he decided to contact me when I got to the gym. He called me and explained the situation saying that the patient was gonna get approached by the police due to the lab calling the police as they should. He asked my side of the story, and I told him, but then the call disconnected, and after a while, he called me back, saying that the guy who called me to pick up my product never said that one only came. I asked my boss if he believed in the patient, and he said he did; over my five days working, four hard years of working for him under the hazard of COVID-19, he said I was to blame for this.

I exploded in front of an entire gym (I won't be surprised if someone at that gym is reading this; there were many people), telling him that how is a mentally unstable patient calling the lab to b**b a lab my fault? I confronted a possible hazard to myself to talk him down, and somehow the guy just doing his job was at fault. I told him this wouldn't have happened if he wasn't such a psychopath, but my boss wouldn't hear the end of it. He told me to apologize; if I could not help accept this, then I should not work there. I was in tears in front of an entire gym filled with regulars, and all I could do was cry and say that it won't happen again and ASKED him for the day of tomorrow, and when he said yes, I hung up the phone. I cried for minutes on the weight section floor, and no one came to help me (I expected that, to be honest). I was crying my heart out until I had no more tears left to cry, a two-hundred-pound of severe stress and sadness, and until today I tried to ignore it, but a depressed man in the middle of the gym. I got up and put on the most uplifting Kanye song I could muster to push through, and between the sets, I was crying, not because of pain, but because of my fucking job. I finished my complete workout achieving a few PRs, and left, I got into my car again and spoke to my co-worker for almost half an hour, telling her how I felt, and she was so brought down that she asked me if I was okay and if I was suicidal. Guys, when I tell you this, I mean it, but just a few hours ago, it was a complete mess, and when I got home, it was no different: my whole family, down to my uncles and grandparents, saw me and started crying themselves. What happened? did someone die? are you okay? Are you hurt? I explained the whole situation with no hold-up, and of course, my entire family was up in arms and, at the same time, so supportive, and it made me so grateful that I have such a sound support system, something most people don't have. My single mother has given everything and is willing to support me for months until I'm back on my feet.

I've been lurking for so long, and it feels so fucking good to send my boss a two-week notice. My favorite part is all my family, from my grandpa to my own mother, in their own way telling me. . .


Think of your guy's mental health. No amount of money is worth your sanity; during my bout today, I remembered a quote from a Batman comic from the joker no less; it's right kinda like this. . . “All it takes is one bad day to drive a man insane,” and I thought that day was today, but it's not fuck that, fuck the system, and fuck that cunt. Love you guys, peace out!

TDLR: A patient called one of our workplaces and threatened them with a b**b; a short time later, I was blamed for the situation, and now I've put in my two weeks' notice and expressed my disappointment in my treatment in the workplace since my employment.

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