
Unlawful deduction of wages and work place endangerment

I work at a hotel and I am needing a little bit of advice on a few things my job is doing. For starters, I just found out today that my job automatically deducts 30 minutes off my daily hours for a lunch break, whether I take it or not. I work 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week. 3 of those days I am allowed to take breaks, but the other days I work by myself and cannot take a break in anyway. While I clock in and out for each break, they still will deduct 30 minutes off my time as if I had taken a break. I was discussing my wages with one of my managers when she decided to slip up and tell me they do this. When I did some research on labor laws and unlawful deduction of wages, I confronted her about it and…

I work at a hotel and I am needing a little bit of advice on a few things my job is doing.

For starters, I just found out today that my job automatically deducts 30 minutes off my daily hours for a lunch break, whether I take it or not. I work 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week. 3 of those days I am allowed to take breaks, but the other days I work by myself and cannot take a break in anyway. While I clock in and out for each break, they still will deduct 30 minutes off my time as if I had taken a break. I was discussing my wages with one of my managers when she decided to slip up and tell me they do this. When I did some research on labor laws and unlawful deduction of wages, I confronted her about it and she told me the company has a loop hole that makes it legal for them.

Secondly, I have been working at this job for over a year, and we are right in the middle of downtown in a very large city. We always get a lot of people who wonder in (who are almost always under the influence of a substance) and cause chaos for the hotel, along with being violent towards the staff and paying guests. Multiple complaints have been made not only by employees, but by the guests as well. Even after the long history of violence happening on the property, along with a reoccurring problem of the valet garage getting broke into and cars getting robbed, the company still refuses to hire security, or add more than 2 functioning cameras in the entire lobby of the hotel. Only one of the two entrances have working cameras, and the only one that does, is always locked.

Can I bring this forward and have any sort of action brought against the company? Especially for the hours that were deducted from my paychecks?

Just an FYI, I did not consent or even know about the deduction of my paycheck for unused lunch breaks

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