
I’m going to have to surrender my cats because I can’t afford to take care of them. This sucks so much.

Using a throwaway because I've already been shamed for this in real life and I feel so awful about it as it is. I have three cats that I love dearly. They're 9, 7, and 4. One I've had through my marriage, divorce, two pregnancies, a miscarriage, and several moves. He was literally my first baby. The other two were strays I took in. Once my husband left me with two kids and all of the bills to pay for after being a stay at home parent, I was lost and then he wrecked my credit. He's “supposed” to pay $200 a month in child support, but that's spotty at best. I make “too much” for any government assistance besides WIC. I'm literally struggling to keep food in the fridge and the lights on. At least with my oldest being in kindergarten, I know she's eating two meals a day.…

Using a throwaway because I've already been shamed for this in real life and I feel so awful about it as it is.

I have three cats that I love dearly. They're 9, 7, and 4. One I've had through my marriage, divorce, two pregnancies, a miscarriage, and several moves. He was literally my first baby. The other two were strays I took in. Once my husband left me with two kids and all of the bills to pay for after being a stay at home parent, I was lost and then he wrecked my credit. He's “supposed” to pay $200 a month in child support, but that's spotty at best. I make “too much” for any government assistance besides WIC. I'm literally struggling to keep food in the fridge and the lights on. At least with my oldest being in kindergarten, I know she's eating two meals a day.

My oldest cat needs dental surgery and teeth extractions and the vet wants him on a expensive diet food. I was quoted 2 grand for the whole surgery and that's not even the total amount it could be. I wanted to cry. Vet suggested Care Credit and I got denied for that which was another fucking blow to my self esteem. Like I'm struggling to buy a bag of Friskies and laundry detergent right now, I don't have 2k to just drop on a cat's surgery

This isn't something I want to do at all – I don't want to give up my cats. My kids adore them, I love them. It breaks my fucking heart. I even reached out to two cat rescues in my area – one is completely full and will not take them. The other, I'm waiting to hear back on if they can take at least the youngest. They suggested I post in the Facebook rehoming group for my area.

I did that and I guess someone I know in real life was apart of that group too, someone I considered a “friend”. She screen shotted my post and made a post of her own, calling me a sleaze bag, a shitty pet owner, said I didn't deserve my cats or my kids since I can't take care of them. Like it really freaking hurt. I commented on her post that she wasn't in my shoes and she shouldn't judge, which just brought out more angry friends of hers and some that were child free and told me I should have “kept my legs closed”

I've spent my entire morning crying because I don't want to give up my pets but I can't take care of them the way they deserve. I can barely take care of my own children and it's not fair to anyone. This whole situation sucks

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