
I don’t know why but I hate my job with a passion.

Once upon I time I suffered a hard rejection, brought about by my own actions, nevertheless it lead to a deep depression that inevitably caused me to start drinking heavily, this is the story of how I became an alcoholic. Fast forward 1 year, it's the end of 2020 and I came to terms with the rejection and was trying to get a handle on my drinking, fast forward to the end of 2021 and I'm sick of the way I'm living, I start working an old job (one I worked on and off for 5 yrs) I decided to stop drinking, only problem is that job is one I absolutely loath for lots of reasons, but not a legitimate one that I can pin point precisely, it's nearing the end of 2022 and I cracked open a bottle of alcohol tonight because I am struggling to put aside my…

Once upon I time I suffered a hard rejection, brought about by my own actions, nevertheless it lead to a deep depression that inevitably caused me to start drinking heavily, this is the story of how I became an alcoholic. Fast forward 1 year, it's the end of 2020 and I came to terms with the rejection and was trying to get a handle on my drinking, fast forward to the end of 2021 and I'm sick of the way I'm living, I start working an old job (one I worked on and off for 5 yrs) I decided to stop drinking, only problem is that job is one I absolutely loath for lots of reasons, but not a legitimate one that I can pin point precisely, it's nearing the end of 2022 and I cracked open a bottle of alcohol tonight because I am struggling to put aside my anger and just be a “responsible” adult and work to make enough money to survive in America. I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. I need help, advice, or just some voice of reason, I have one last payment to make at this job then I am free to leave but the money is good $20/hr 80+ hrs a week medium to heavy duty physical normally 10hrs a day sometimes 11hrs because they decide to over book an under staffed crew so they take away our hr lunch break, when they do take away lunch breaks they buy lunch ($7 per person). I guess what I'm trying get out of this, is should I leave after this last payment and when my vacation pay is paid out, or should I make it a couple of months to get decent amount of money saved up before leaving?

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