
I had so much more respect for myself when I was selling drugs for money, than working hourly wage jobs, or even going to college. I would have more respect for myself selling sex for $100/hr than I would working a warehouse job for $15/hr

When youre a drug dealer, or a prostitute, you are making your own choices to make your own money for you, in your own way. You dont answer to anybody, you dont have to directly depend on anybody, you are free, you are an independent individual. But me, well, Im a student, finishing up my college degree. Paying for a piece of paper that someone else wrote, which will say I am deserving of certain types of jobs. Then, I will apply to those jobs, hoping someone else will decide that I am worth speaking to. That person will then speak to me, and decide if they want to hire me on to yet another person's company, where I will do their work for them for their reasons in order to make their money for them. None of this has anything to do with me or what I want to…

When youre a drug dealer, or a prostitute, you are making your own choices to make your own money for you, in your own way. You dont answer to anybody, you dont have to directly depend on anybody, you are free, you are an independent individual. But me, well, Im a student, finishing up my college degree. Paying for a piece of paper that someone else wrote, which will say I am deserving of certain types of jobs. Then, I will apply to those jobs, hoping someone else will decide that I am worth speaking to. That person will then speak to me, and decide if they want to hire me on to yet another person's company, where I will do their work for them for their reasons in order to make their money for them. None of this has anything to do with me or what I want to do. None of it will be reflective of what I have learned or how I have grown as a person. I am not an individual anymore. I used to be, but I cant go back to that life. So maybe, I should give prostitution a go, while Im still a young man. At least that way, Ill get paid a lot more than $15 per hour for my time, effort, and body, which are the same requirements of any other job that isnt remote.

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