
It happened. My old shitty employer called me back after a year to make me an offer to come back. I need antiwork’s advice. If I’m gonna take it, I want to keep the power in my hands.

While I worked for them: It was a tech place where we made advanced control systems, often for automated temperature controls for entire building, some times for irrigation. The boss was a real piece of work. Made rush jobs out of everything, gave us half the materials we needed to get the job done, called us names when we didn’t deliver on his demands, you get the idea. One day, mid shift, I just turned off my computer, put my keys on the desk and just left. After I left: I imagine a bunch of others left after me because their innovation just stopped dead in its tracks. I hear the couple people they hired after me just couldn’t deliver. They were slow and didn’t ask the right questions to get the job done. (They were probably fine, maybe even great employees, to be honest. This job has unreal expectations)…

While I worked for them: It was a tech place where we made advanced control systems, often for automated temperature controls for entire building, some times for irrigation. The boss was a real piece of work. Made rush jobs out of everything, gave us half the materials we needed to get the job done, called us names when we didn’t deliver on his demands, you get the idea. One day, mid shift, I just turned off my computer, put my keys on the desk and just left.

After I left: I imagine a bunch of others left after me because their innovation just stopped dead in its tracks. I hear the couple people they hired after me just couldn’t deliver. They were slow and didn’t ask the right questions to get the job done. (They were probably fine, maybe even great employees, to be honest. This job has unreal expectations)

The Call: They call, they say they have no way to make sales without working examples of what they make. They know that not only, I can deliver, but that I also have an intimate knowledge of their systems already, so no training is needed. They need me and I’m the only person on earth that can provide that. They want to hire me on a contract basis.

The Contract: They used to pay me $30 an hour, I left after arguing I was worth $40. They used to charge my time at $130 to clients. I think demanding $75 an hour, $150 for rush jobs, and that the 2 dickhead managers I had problems with never contact me in any form, is the contract I want. Thoughts? What additions would you put in? I’ve never done contract work.

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