
Yo CEO, here is my post resignation email… Warning- Open at your own risk…

Damn can you believe it’s been about 4 months since I bowed my head and walked away from a job that I thought I loved with my whole heart. At some point I felt lost because I thought everything I was, was dependent on my job with your company… Talk about an identity crisis, who was I with out the job that I worked so hard for 12 damn years. Yeah CEO, I knew you personally even had the pleasure of having you as my manager. You taught me so much and the funny thing is I continue to learn from you even from a far… To be honest you and your company was my entire life all that I had and clung on to. But what I keep learning is how you fucked up by letting me go so to speak. Sure I’m the one that pulled the trigger…

Damn can you believe it’s been about 4 months since I bowed my head and walked away from a job that I thought I loved with my whole heart. At some point I felt lost because I thought everything I was, was dependent on my job with your company…

Talk about an identity crisis, who was I with out the job that I worked so hard for 12 damn years. Yeah CEO, I knew you personally even had the pleasure of having you as my manager. You taught me so much and the funny thing is I continue to learn from you even from a far…

To be honest you and your company was my entire life all that I had and clung on to. But what I keep learning is how you fucked up by letting me go so to speak. Sure I’m the one that pulled the trigger but you handed me the loaded gun, sad but true…

I don’t fault you for that, not one bit. I actually respect you for that and could not ask for any better of an ending. I would love to say your company got the best of me but I would be lying. Your company got the worst of me…

Yeah let’s be honest it was extremely toxic and we were trying to force pieces that didn’t fit. Because who I wanted to be and who you wanted me to be did not fit. Simple as that. You saw it before I did to be honest. I was a little blindsided…

I thought that I gave you everything but you betrayed me. Maybe not on purpose but you did. You tried to keep me in a box that I didn’t fit in. You failed to see my potential and value. I really would have did anything for you or for the company even if it meant giving up myself respect…

I feel like I did that day in and day out looking back. I was just a hooker selling some bullshit for some bullshit company and everyone knew it. Sure I was getting a paycheck but in reality I was paying you to work for you, with myself respect…

I get it we were not a match and I’m sorry that I didn’t see that sooner. To be honest I wish you the best and hope that you flourish, I just hope you continue to understand that people are your most valuable resource and don’t count out a book by its cover…

As an update… I’m living the life of my dreams. I wake up excited about the day and look forward to everything that I am going to accomplish and the only person I’m representing is my damn self, my husband, my daughter and everybody of world but I’m not representing you or your company…

The skills I learned and the knowledge that I have gained is something that I could have never asked for. You took a chance on me and I appreciate that…

So I have moved on to bigger and better things working on the projects of my dreams and when they say if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life, it’s true…

Find your passion. Find what sets your soul on fire. Don’t let anyone count you out…

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