
Just found out my boss was going to slash my hours for talking about starting a union

I've been working at my current job for almost 4 months now, I've had a great track record of showing up to work picking up extra shifts and pretty much doing my job well. That includes going to other store to cover shifts for them and I was gearing how a lot of other employees don't feel like they get paid near where they should be. I took time after work to stop my main store and to ask about a union, to which my manager said he never thought about it and all he knows is that it'd make his job harder. Now I have heard from a friend of mine that our manager was livid and was planning in cutting my hours. Now he's put his two weeks in, but I'm still rattled. Should I report this to HR or just keep my head down until he leaves?

I've been working at my current job for almost 4 months now, I've had a great track record of showing up to work picking up extra shifts and pretty much doing my job well. That includes going to other store to cover shifts for them and I was gearing how a lot of other employees don't feel like they get paid near where they should be. I took time after work to stop my main store and to ask about a union, to which my manager said he never thought about it and all he knows is that it'd make his job harder. Now I have heard from a friend of mine that our manager was livid and was planning in cutting my hours. Now he's put his two weeks in, but I'm still rattled. Should I report this to HR or just keep my head down until he leaves?

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