
Just got let go from my job after accidentally cutting myself a few months back

So I need some advice. I’m in the US. I started a new job 6 months ago. 3 months ago I was told I would be getting hired soon and about a week later, I fucked up and cut myself on my hand that required going to the doctor and getting stitches and workers comp. Now, it’s illegal for companies to terminate you or otherwise punish you for injuring yourself. With my 6 months coming to a close and not hearing anything about getting hired, I got worried about my future prospects and went to my boss and asked him if I would be getting hired. He said no, and directly mentioned the safety incident. He then brought up issues that were reported to him from my trainer as other reasons for letting me go, but which were VERY flimsy at best and were all incidents that would’ve occurred early…

So I need some advice. I’m in the US. I started a new job 6 months ago. 3 months ago I was told I would be getting hired soon and about a week later, I fucked up and cut myself on my hand that required going to the doctor and getting stitches and workers comp.

Now, it’s illegal for companies to terminate you or otherwise punish you for injuring yourself.

With my 6 months coming to a close and not hearing anything about getting hired, I got worried about my future prospects and went to my boss and asked him if I would be getting hired.

He said no, and directly mentioned the safety incident. He then brought up issues that were reported to him from my trainer as other reasons for letting me go, but which were VERY flimsy at best and were all incidents that would’ve occurred early in my employment and if they were actual problems I would’ve been let go months ago.

Another issue, which I’m a bit more understanding of, is that I was forced to leave work early on a few occasions, but that I made up for during the rest of the week. My fiancé had a cancer scare and needed me to take her to her doctor visits when I thought at the time she had rides but who cancelled on her. There was also a legal issue she got herself into and I had to take time off to see the lawyer and go to court hearings. These were things I told them and after they expressed concern I told them it wasn’t a normal thing and they didn’t need to worry about my attendance.

Yesterday I got a call saying my employment was terminated and again, they listed my accident as the very first reason for letting me go.

I really liked this company and felt I would be there for years. My question is should I go after them and sue the fuckers or just let it go?

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