
My job deducts an additional ~10% of our monthly take home pay for taking a single sick day, on top of our missed hrs.

This is a blanket policy for all employees. I’ll explain. Instead of our office increasing our wage, they give us “bonus/incentive” checks. They differ slightly in amount each month and there is no transparency in how/why the monthly amount is issued. However the monthly amount, for me, is about 10%~ of my hourly pay. So, we had a few employees that often called out sick and it made a mess of our schedule, and everyone else had to work harder. I am not at all a problem employee as far as absence goes. Anyway, to combat this, our office manager created a policy that if we miss even one day of work without a doctor’s note, our entire “bonus” check will be taken away and [supposedly] distributed to the rest of the staff. I use quotes around “bonus” because 10% of our pay is a lot and is not considered…

This is a blanket policy for all employees. I’ll explain.

Instead of our office increasing our wage, they give us “bonus/incentive” checks. They differ slightly in amount each month and there is no transparency in how/why the monthly amount is issued. However the monthly amount, for me, is about 10%~ of my hourly pay.

So, we had a few employees that often called out sick and it made a mess of our schedule, and everyone else had to work harder.

I am not at all a problem employee as far as absence goes.

Anyway, to combat this, our office manager created a policy that if we miss even one day of work without a doctor’s note, our entire “bonus” check will be taken away and [supposedly] distributed to the rest of the staff. I use quotes around “bonus” because 10% of our pay is a lot and is not considered “extra” money to us.

All of the problem employees immediately quit but the policy still stands.

So here’s the issue for me, I’m sick as hot garbage right now, not covid, but fever, chills, cough, aches, etc.,

Im not going to go drive myself to a nasty, walk-in clinic while I’m already miserable, and fork out a co-pay, just to be prescribed antibiotics for my cold to shut me up. Nor do I believe in taking antibiotics frivolously. Oh, and of course I’ll be wasting staff time on a patient who is only there to appease their overbearing job. Either way, it should ultimately be my choice to go to a doctor, not my job-mommy.

To say I am feeling rubbed the wrong way would be an understatement. Regardless, I won’t be strong armed into doing something I don’t want to do outside of company time. However, that is a considerable amount of money I would rather not lose.

What shall I do?

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