
What’s the point?

Why do I bother? I work all week. I’ve started working through my lunches. Every day I come home from work and just remember every tiny mistake I made or any time I misspoke. The overstimulation of my office work exhausts me and it makes me shut away from my family. I will never get through all my emails. Why am I doing this? To get enough money to spend on something enjoyable 3 weeks a year when I get vacation leave? I want to travel the world while I’m young and it’s all I ever think about. I feel like I’m wasting my 20s. But I won’t have enough money to enjoy my 20s because I need to work through my 20s to get even nearly enough. By then, it’ll be too late. How to I live with this reality?

Why do I bother? I work all week. I’ve started working through my lunches. Every day I come home from work and just remember every tiny mistake I made or any time I misspoke. The overstimulation of my office work exhausts me and it makes me shut away from my family. I will never get through all my emails. Why am I doing this? To get enough money to spend on something enjoyable 3 weeks a year when I get vacation leave? I want to travel the world while I’m young and it’s all I ever think about. I feel like I’m wasting my 20s. But I won’t have enough money to enjoy my 20s because I need to work through my 20s to get even nearly enough. By then, it’ll be too late. How to I live with this reality?

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