
My work gave me 3 points after they told me they wouldn’t.

I have this cashier job that has a point system. If you get up to 5 points, you will be terminated and never allowed to work at that particular store ever again. You Get: – 1/2 point if you're late to work. – 1 point if you clock in/out 10+ minutes before your shift starts or 10+ minutes after your shift ends (even if your manager won't let you leave your register. Like, we are told to clock out via our phones if we have to but we cannot leave the register without permission) – 1 point if you call-in no show – 2 points if you call-in no show on a holiday – 3 points if you no-call no-show It takes six months for those points to go away. And it's not like they all go away at once but rather individual times. I went to a doctor's appointment…

I have this cashier job that has a point system. If you get up to 5 points, you will be terminated and never allowed to work at that particular store ever again.

You Get:
– 1/2 point if you're late to work.
– 1 point if you clock in/out 10+ minutes before your shift starts or 10+ minutes after your shift ends (even if your manager won't let you leave your register. Like, we are told to clock out via our phones if we have to but we cannot leave the register without permission)
– 1 point if you call-in no show
– 2 points if you call-in no show on a holiday
– 3 points if you no-call no-show

It takes six months for those points to go away. And it's not like they all go away at once but rather individual times.

I went to a doctor's appointment on my day off to have them look at my feet because some nails are gross and infected and all that jazz. They said it was really bad (quote: “We are past antibiotics. We'll need to send you to a specialist and have them cut them out.”) The doctor said he would take a while, possibly a few weeks, to schedule a specialist appointment, and he wanted me to stay off my feet for a few days. I said I couldn't because I needed to work. I agreed to take off one day, but that was it. I got a doctor's note saying I wasn't going to be at work the day after the appointment and physically took it that same day to the service desk at my job. They had me take it to my Team Lead who said that it was fine but I needed to request PTO for that day off just for paperwork reasons and whatnot and that she'll approve it and that it'll all be fine. So I pulled up the store app and requested PTO like she said and left.

When I came back two days later, a different Team Lead (I have 3) went up to me and said that my PTO request was denied because I requested it the day before instead of 3+ weeks before and that my absence was counted as a no-call no-show. She said that she knew I had a note and would try to fix it but couldn't promise anything.

I was also late to work that day (I don't have a car and my driver (sister) refused to get out of the bathroom), so that was another 1/2 point.

I've only been working at this store for 11 days, and I already have 3 1/2 points. Absolutely ridiculous!

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