
Former equal becomes your boss and is now annoying

You guys ever have a situation where your coworker that was your equal gets a promotion to being your supervisor? That happened to me recently, as my old boss moved up the ladder at the company. I really liked the guy before his promotion but the problem is that now he's doing a lot of the stuff that he used to complain about the old boss doing. He's micromanaging with unnecessary task sheets to log the daily workflow and always checking in on me to see what's going on/questioning my answers to what work I'm doing for the day. I do sympathize for him being put into a position of higher responsibility since I'm sure upper management had a long talk with him about new expectations but it's not to the point where he has to be so hypocritical and be the very thing he hated about the last supervisor.…

You guys ever have a situation where your coworker that was your equal gets a promotion to being your supervisor? That happened to me recently, as my old boss moved up the ladder at the company.

I really liked the guy before his promotion but the problem is that now he's doing a lot of the stuff that he used to complain about the old boss doing. He's micromanaging with unnecessary task sheets to log the daily workflow and always checking in on me to see what's going on/questioning my answers to what work I'm doing for the day.

I do sympathize for him being put into a position of higher responsibility since I'm sure upper management had a long talk with him about new expectations but it's not to the point where he has to be so hypocritical and be the very thing he hated about the last supervisor. Power just affects people in different ways I guess.

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