
Things I hear at work.

I overheard how my coworker’s health has been deteriorating since starting (we work at a call center. Her mental health has her considering increasing meds (like me) she has developed acid reflux for the first time in years. She gets nervous before coming in to work. An other asks to use the restroom and I have to tell them not to ask and just not sign out. I guess that was skipped over in their orientation. Everyone’s restroom breaks count against them. Which is stupid. I’m not going to rush into a prolapse for a No name call center working for a terrible bank. They tried to do this gotcha moment when they had my listen to my entire call while saying “wait till the end” to show the call was dropped and I hung up with out checking if the customer is there. It’s like “hey grow a spine…

I overheard how my coworker’s health has been deteriorating since starting (we work at a call center. Her mental health has her considering increasing meds (like me) she has developed acid reflux for the first time in years. She gets nervous before coming in to work. An other asks to use the restroom and I have to tell them not to ask and just not sign out. I guess that was skipped over in their orientation. Everyone’s restroom breaks count against them. Which is stupid. I’m not going to rush into a prolapse for a No name call center working for a terrible bank. They tried to do this gotcha moment when they had my listen to my entire call while saying “wait till the end” to show the call was dropped and I hung up with out checking if the customer is there. It’s like “hey grow a spine and just ask the question on your mind instead of trying to act like an asshole”.

Edit: they have mandatory weekend shifts and don’t accept doctors notes.

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