
I asked for a raise. Now I’m a bad employee.

There is a lot more here, but I want to keep this as short as possible. It goes something like this… mass exodus of good, important employees (including direct manager) asks higher up manager (HUM) what’s going to happen and what to expect He does not have an answer, but he intends to have a meeting to discuss everything. meeting does not happen more employees leave HUM tries to hire more people – they don’t last asks HUM about an evaluation and raise No response. Indifference and avoidance from HUM in person. TIMESKIP: Asking for a raise Shippuden asks HUM again after no new employees and more work HUM agrees to meet if we are both in the office on the same day. asks HUM if he has time to meet on the big day He gives an unclear time frame. asks if he knows what time specifically he will…

There is a lot more here, but I want to keep this as short as possible.

It goes something like this…

mass exodus of good, important employees (including direct manager)
asks higher up manager (HUM) what’s going to happen and what to expect He does not have an answer, but he intends to have a meeting to discuss everything.
meeting does not happen
more employees leave
HUM tries to hire more people – they don’t last
asks HUM about an evaluation and raise No response. Indifference and avoidance from HUM in person.

TIMESKIP: Asking for a raise Shippuden

asks HUM again after no new employees and more work HUM agrees to meet if we are both in the office on the same day.
asks HUM if he has time to meet on the big day He gives an unclear time frame. asks if he knows what time specifically he will be available to meet He says no, and that he is catching up on work expecting to be busy later. This is rejection.
decides not to go to office
HUM says I no-called and stole time from the company because I made it seem like I was going to come in. This is reported to HR. HR sides with HUM. My pay is docked.

All because I asked for a raise.

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